Thursday, October 28, 2010

Underwater creatures

LARGEST CRAB. The giant Spider crab, which lives near the coast of Japan, the distance between the ends of the claw is 3.69 meters or 7 foot.

BIGGEST JELLYFISH. Biggest jellyfish ever found is Giant jellyfish body diameter is 2.29 meters or 5 foot, and it stretched down 36.5 warp long tentacles or 75 foot.

LARGEST SHARK. Biggest caught shark is Valeshark it was 18 meters - 38 foot long and weighed 43 tonnes.

FLYING THE LONGEST DISTANCE. Four wing flying fish set a record. 11 meters-23 foot high and in 90 seconds flew 1109 meters abow the water.

MOST POISONOUS. Sea Crossjellyfish poison can kill a man from 30 seconds to 15 minutes. (Exception-2-hour harrowing, full of painful death.)

LONGEST WORM. In North sea there was found a 55 meters-115 foot long nematherian it is much longer than the Blue vale.In different places it's called differently.

LARGEST FISH HERD. Biggest registered flock of herring has been around 3 billion fish.

GREATER DEPTH. Deepest place in the Pacific Ocean is 11,033 meters- 22,000 foot. If in the water were thrown ball which is made from heavy steel and weighst1 kilogram it would take about 63 minutes to reach the ocean floor.

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