Friday, October 15, 2010

Wow! in Chaina

Nice way to train a team!

Rugby itself is very traumatic as a game, but the South African national team Springbok coach Rudolf Straueli thought that tune his team for 2003rd championship victory. He sent the boys to the police training camp in South Africa's prairies. This event was named for Kamp Staaldraad -camp''behind barbwires''. The players in this great place didn't learned theory or games strategy, but trained for a war. This was rugby under the gun barrel on frozen lake, hideing in fox caves and national anthem singing, prowl naked along the ground and pulling head off of chickens. Overall, nice way to spend a time. As soon as the details of such training came to press, there was a scandal. The coach was fired, fans unhappy, but miraculously team lost nearly all its season games.

Something weird

In nature, there is only one factor which contributes to unexplained horror reaction - it's infrasound, the frequency of 7-8 hertz. It was first detected in the last century 30's. Professor Suleikin managed to make this discovery. This sound intensity is usually not high, but in the atmosphere there are special physic rules and its intensity may increase in tens and hundreds of times. Suleikin showed that "maritime voice" is observed only at water surface - on land, this phenomenon is much weaker.

However, it appeared that a similar phenomenon is not unique in a seas, but also on a land. This is not the first, but one of the best known cases that had been occurred in northern Ural in 1959. With an experienced coach-ski group, consisting of nine people. Researcher J. Jakimov writes: "It loocked like people at that time where sitting in a tent, when suddenly an invisible force drove them out. With a knife they cut the tent walls and rushed down from mountain. When the effect of force ended, they tried to return back to the tent, but failed and left, laying on a ground. Their skin was in chocolate color, but the face was in immobile horror grimace.

In the same year Angvundaschoras apex Hibinas mountains killed two mountain climbers. Their companions ran away from the valley, there left all maintaining equipment. Mountaineers later explained that they suddenly took a terrible anxiety. Soon in the same area was killed two tourists groups. One of group was four, the second - 11 people. One of the last such known cases was in 90s at the beginning. From one part of the army corps  disappeared several officers and soldiers who went hunting rabbits. When they where found, the weapons was laying beside bodys, whose faces had taken over horror grimace.

Similar case describe anomalous phenomena researcher I. Vinokurov. It was in 70s in Krasnoyarsk north. .Five soldiers went hunting but did not return on time. Before leaving they warned that will spend night in a cottage in the woods. Soldiers began to search. When rescuers reached the solder house, the doors were tightly locked from the inside. When they breaked in, rescuers saw that all five where sitting at the table and where died. Evening meal someone had stopped the evening meal.  In their faces was visible fear.

What's under the Moscow?

Moscow still today is a city full of mystery and linked to many legends, such as the mysterious underground 2, used by the KGB. One of the versions is that beneath Moscow University is located the secret metro entrance.
 Main doors.

 This is very long corridor.

All these rooms were flooded in the 90s. in order to deny access for people.

In this room you will find different rocks.

Some say that this could be entrance to the secret ''metro 2''

When the rooms were flooded in the 90s. from devices there excreted chemicals.

Laboratory, where was made world-wide scientific discoveries, now attracts only a cockroaches
and non-ferrous metal thieves.

Sometimes I hate people

This dog is living half a year in a car in Komsomolskas prospect, Moscow! Nearby office workers tried to take care of the dog by feeding him. (only I do not know how), but feared to open the doors, because the dog is not very friendly! Ther had been written in a number of complaints, but no one has act to save the dog!

Naughty teachers

Mary Kay Letorno relationship with Willie Fualau started really early. She was 31, but Villy was thirteen.  8th grade student. However, hers husband find out about it and told to the police. A few weeks after his arrest Letorno gave birth to Willies child. After 7 years of hers prison sentence, a few months spent in freedom Letorno and Willy married.

Margaret De Barraukua was 30 years old when she was caught in a car, makeing love with 16-year-old student. By the way, in the back of the seat security police officers found the woman's small son. And for all that the woman received only one year's imprisonment.

Debra Lafave was caught while having intimate relationship with a 14-year-old student. At first, Lafave denied all, but when she saw the security camer tapes, she didn't know what to say. Judge gave her 7 years suspended sentence.

Long live the Halk. Hip, hip, hurray! ;) Stephanie Ragusa, a mathematics teacher, had already been conditionally sentenced on the relationship with hers students, the press reports that she was with Halk Hogan 17-year-old son Nick.

Jennifer Mallia, after police questioned her about relationship with 16 year-old boy, right there from the police station she called hers husband and said that knows what she is doing, she had watched CSI. Unfortunately, CSI laws do not exist in real life and so she got six months behind bars.

Karmine Lopez. She was 28 years old when she enticed the boy, who was ... 11th. I find out that she bought gifts for boy in exchange for a relationship. Judgement in this case is not yet known.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Do you hate your job? These people have no chose.

These people ar digging to find tin and tantalum elements which are used in chip manufacture around the world.