Saturday, October 30, 2010

Most dangerous places to live

10. Karachay, Russia ... Between the 1949th and 1965. Karachay lake was main radioactive waste dump in Russia. Just being there more than an hour, can cause death, becaouse of high level of radiation.

9. Linfen, China ... Linfen is one of the most polluted cities on earth. It is located in center of China's coal district, and the amount of emissions per day is equivalent for three smoked packs of cigarettes per person. More than three million people every day is being affected by pollution.

8. Los Angeles, USA ... According to the American Lung Association, Los Angeles has the highest ozone pollution in the U.S.. High concentrations of ozone in the air is harmful for the lungs. California Air Resources Board estimates that more than 18.000 people in LA will had premature deaths because of air pollution.

7. The Nigeria, river Delta, Nigeria ... It is estimated that 1.2 to 1.7 million tons of oil has entered the Delta over the past 50 years. Leakage is from the bad pipe maintenance, as well as the result of sabotage. Delta is the third largest wetland in the world, oil have caused great harm to the environment and wildlife.

6. London, United Kingdom ... Vehicle traffic, industry and agriculture are the main sources of pollution in London. United Kingdom has the biggest nitrogen oxides pollution in the world, directly affecting the 1.5 million people. Experts say that London's population has reduced life expectancy by 9 years. Every year 50.000 people die prematurely as a result of urban pollution.

5. Gerzhinsk, Russia ... Hundreds of thousands of people are affected by the nerve gas Sarin and VX. Between the 1930th and 1998. years, the Cold War period, in Gerzhinsk there was the main chemical weapon factory in Russia. 2003rd in Gerzhinsk, a 260% more people died than were born.

4. Phoenix-Mesa-Scottsdale, USA ... It is also recognized as 2010.  most polluted sites in the United States. This region is contaminated diesel engines, power plants, factories and countless construction sites as a result. Air contains dust, soot and aerosol mixture.

3. Citaro river, Indonesia ... World's polluted river flows through the west part of Indonesia. 5 million people live along the river banks. Asian Development Bank has invested $ 500 million cleaning up the river.

2. La Oroya, Peru ... Since 1992. of mining and metallurgy have led to severe levels of lead, zinc, copper and sulfur dioxide in the air. According to Time Magazine, 99% of La Oroya children metal in the blood far exceeds the permissible limits.

1. Chernobyl, Ukraine ... 1986th year, on the night of the 26th April, Ukraine's Chernobyl nuclear power plant suffered a severe accident, in the atmosphere were thrown 100 times more radiation than the Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bombs combined. 19 km area around the nuclear power plant still is not habitable.

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