Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Object Cemetery

Air fighter Cemetery (Arizona USA) Those who have not seen this cemetery, can not imagine how big it is. Endless flight destroyers and other war planes are nicely arranged by ques. Interesting fact is that if USA ever need some fighters, they will be able to restore and use it. One of the most popular museum in Arizona.

The train cemetery (Bolivia). Southwest Bolivia is the place for all the old trains, is located 3670m - 7500 foot above sea level.

Ship graveyard (Mauritania) Nouadhibou is the second largest city in Mauritania, but here is the largest ship graveyard in the world. Hundred vessels are scattered in the sea and on the beach, this process began 80's  when the ship was unable to do it's job, kicked here, but in the end here arrived many foreign vessels.

Tank graveyard (Afghanistan) Located in camp of Kabul, when the 1970-1980 years,  Russian army left tanks, unable to get them back to Russia.

Anchor Cemetery (Portugal) Tavira Island in sand dunes there is "cemetery of anchors" This cemetery is specially designed to honor of the fishing industry, which used to be a top priority.

Vending machine graveyard (Japan) Located Tamamura, transferred here becaouse Japanese believes that these machines are environmentally bad.

War Cemetery (Eritrea) Here is military tanks, armored vehicles and other war relics. "We will keep this place as a reminder" says Peter agency. For scrap dealer's this place would be a dream, but here it is a symbol of pride and victory over Ethiopia.

Old car graveyard (Russia). Mostly, most of these machines were on the streets of Russia  many years ago. Maybe even in some of these vehicles were driven Brezhnev or Stalin.

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