Saturday, October 9, 2010

Older, better.........................? I don't think sow

    Malaysian inhabitant Vuka Kandora, which recently celebrated hers 108 birthday, reunited with hers 38-year-old husband who were treated for one year addiction clinic, reported Yahoo! News. "I am very grateful that my husband has returned.I'm happy to see him again, because I love him, "said Kandora to journalists. Muhammad Noor Che Musa, 12 months in voluntary treatment for drug addiction and he did not had opportunities for regular contact with his wife - his wife during the treatment allowed to visit her husband only five times. Now the couple decided to return to normal life.I will do my jobs as any other woman, "said the happy Kandora. Couple married in the 2006th year and immediately got all the front pages of local newspapers. 108-year-old Kandorai this is already the 23rd Weddings in her life. Kandora claims that married Che-our for him to not go to a much younger competitors.


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