Thursday, September 23, 2010

Beer is good for YOU!

Drinking ber in average dose decrease in cardiac vascular disease, a positive effect on the kidneys, prevents stone formation, and increases the body's immunity.

Best waving, which was known from our grandmothers was a beer. Beer shampoo which give the same effect as shampoos with conditioners and moreover, beneficial effects on hair. If  beer shampoo leaves in  hair for some time, they appear healthy gloss, flexibility and stops hair loss.

Beer masks beneficial effect on greasy skin, making it more flexible, improve blood circulation, reducing fat release and close the pores. Various cold symptoms using popular treatments such as heated a cup of beer with a spoon of honey and cold as the hand removed. There are also many other methods, which are all based on the hot beer or beer with a heated egg, cloves and cinnamon.

Scandinavian beers are officially allowed to antidepressant and the Munich Institute of scientifically proved that one liter of unfiltered beer is ten times more valuable than one liter of milk. Czech Republic and Slovakia beer is included hockey players diet. Italian sports doctor believes that a liter of beer per day improves the ability to concentrate, shortened response time and increase muscle strength. U.S. has observed that the beer perfectly restores energy expenditure and fluid, after a long race.

Regular rinsing hair with beer quickly released from dandruff. Germany, Denmark and Austria, the workers who work in the body to adverse environment where you can develop the body's salt dizbalans, which may cause predisposition to kidney disease, issued untreated, non-alcoholic beer.

Beer has a positive impact on women's breasts grow.

Beer speeds up your metabolism in the body, encourage cell renewal. As experience shows, people who regularly use beer is aging more slowly than those who do not drink. Doctors consider that one or two cups of beer per day slows the body's aging.

Australian beer is recommended shortly before delivery, to increase the quantity of milk the udder. And in the world beer is the second most popular drink after tea.

Undoubtedly it is known that beer removes from the body of aluminum salts, which can no other liquid, so that humans will increase sexual ability. Beer quenches thirst perfectly, which is due to the minerals and carbon dioxide in the presence of beer.

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