Sunday, October 10, 2010

Inventions killed inventors

Henry Winstantli. This man invented the lighthouse, but had to take a test, unfortunately, Henry chose inappropriate time to check out the lighthouse, as the storm raged outside the lighthouse was destroyed and Henry died with another five people who were in there.

Alexander Bogdanovs. He was a very known Russian scientist, physician, philosopher and writter.He liked to experiment with blood transfusions, he got a lot of success, but then he decided to transfuse patient blood to himself, unfortunately, the patient had tuberculosis and malaria, which infected Bogdanov and after a few days later he died.

Frans Reichelt.This man was Austrian tailor, who was famous for his unusual clothing and parachutes. After  he said that he had made parachute which is really valid and can fly, he went to try it out on the Eiffel tower. There was hundreds of people and photographers, he jumped from the tower, parachute did not worked, he crashed into the ground and died.

William Bullok.This man invented the "Rotary" printer.His invention took a major role in graphic arts at the time. After the machine broke, he began to repair, but the lower part of the machine suddenly fell on his feet. Doctors did not managed to amputate the leg and he died.

John Godfrij. He was an excellent engineer and fast car driver. In1926, he built car named "Babs" This car worked on a chain-connected to the engine, which further added to wheels. car, sett a number of records. One race the chain broked off of one wheel, hit him in the neck and instantly killed John.

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