7th place. A huge mountain on one side, a thousand meter drop on the other side, this is Luklas Airport. Luklas small airport in the city, eastern Nepal in 2900 meters.

3rd place. Aerodrome Courchevel in the French Alps. The short runway is only 525 meters long with a slope of 18.5%. Who here would like to land?
2nd place. Juancho E. Yrausquin Airport in the Caribbean island of Saba. Experienced pilots know the proper airplane landing and lifting into the sky.Aviation experts agree that this is one of the most dangerous airports in the world (because she is already at the top chart). On the runway in X, which means that it is closed for comerciales pilots.
Top 1st. Place of Princess Juliana Airport. It is the second busiest airport Caribbean. The airport is famous for its short runway, only 2,180 meters! This is barely enough for large liners. This is why planes fly only 10 to 20 meters above the heads of vacationers. In spite of all this there has not been any airline accident.
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